
The Emperor’s New Clothes

By Jason Zapata Ignorant of his troubled kingdom and His subject’s woes Someone needs to tell the emperor to Put on some clothes 414
I, Dracula: Part Four

I, Dracula: Part Four

By Jason Zapata I resolved to acquire Mina and had Harker detained The letters he wrote to her were gradually mailed While my brides ensured his attempts to escape failed…

Bright Blushes of Color

By Jason Zapata The trees shed their leaves In bright blushes of color When your hand - still warm with summer Reaches out and claims my own

Dance For Me

By Jason Zapata From the refuge of a lonely rooftop I watch paupers and princes fight Their battles fill the streets below There’s no reason to get involved In the…
I, Dracula: Part Three

I, Dracula: Part Three

By Jason Zapata There are some divisions no force can reconcile My presence is a blasphemy the faithful resists To keep humanity ignorant such evil exists I dwelled in the…

"A New Path"

By Jason Zapata I will not allow this history to play out again My cyclical existence maintains but one purpose To force this restless spirit into conflict once more Fighting…

‘Stiltskin Inc.

By Jason Zapata Perhaps I should have insisted on seeing an offer letter But during the interview process no one really suspects Their boss of being a gnome with a…

The Rain

By Jason Zapata It’s raining again in this world I carry A sky of troubled clouds drift ominously Over a turbulent sea whose waves crash Against the windswept shore I…